"Harry Potter & The Half-Blood Prince" by JK Rowling
I'm the first to scoff at the world's love affair with Harry P as clever marketing, but still end up buying every one of them. I thought "The Order of The Phoenix" smelt a bit like a rush job, like old JK had got to get her kids' tea ready or something. This one was much better, the plot was gripping and reasonably complicated, the characters less two-dimensional than in the last one, and there was even some teenage love interest. The ending, however, is VERY unsatisfactory. I mean, you plough through all that and for what? For a "to be continued". There should be some element of conclusion there, some drawing together of the threads, and that was lacking. I suppose Dumbledore's funeral is supposed to serve that purpose but there were still too many questions surrounding his death for me to be able to concentrate properly on that. That said, it was still a good read so go on, get down to your local bookstore and buy it. You know you want to and I promise I won't tell anyone...